Name Index
Clicking on a name below will take you to their family page. If their name is underlined on that page, click on it for more information.
If you navigate using the alphabet above, click on any
Red character below to re-display the alphabet.
Adams Elizabeth-c1814
Addison Rebeckah-1885
Aldridge Jane-c1836
Allanson Frances-c1770
Allsop Ann-c1816
Alditheley Joan-c1071
Alditheley Lidulph-c1085
Alditheley Marbella-c1050
Alditheley William-c1082
Allsop Ann-1813
Allsop Emma-1824
Allsop Hannah-1820
Allsop James-1780
Allsop James-1826
Allsop John-1829
Allsop Mary-1815
Allsop Sarah-1822
Allsop William-1817
Amphlett Margaret Adelaide-1931
Anderson Elizabeth Catharine-1940
Anderton Charles Frederick-1883
Anderton Charlotte Maria-1881
Anderton George Henry-1876
Anderton George Herbert-1888
Anderton George Richard-1879
Anderton Henry-c1876
Anderton James-1874
Anderton John-c1806
Anderton John-1850
Anderton John Henry-1873
Anderton Joseph Sidney-1887
Anderton Richard-c1854
Anderton Richard-c1880
Anderton Sarah Jane-1877
Anderton William-c1862
Anderton William-1885
Anne Crathorne Edward Isham Charlton-1892
Anne of York, Duchess
of Exeter-1439
Anne George-1813
Anna Lambert Swinburne Charlton-1852
Ainsworth Marjory-c12??
Arderne Maude (Matilda)-c1396
Arkle Lilly-1917
Ashton Elizabeth-1428
Attfield Ann-1828
Attfield Ann Marie-1830
Attfield Eliza-1818
Attfield Elizabeth-1823
Attfield Francis-1815
Attfield Hannah-1814
Attfield James-1809
Attfield James-c1788
Attfield Mary-1811
Attfield Richard-1820
Attfield Sarah-1826
Attfield William-1833
Austin Ivy May-189?
Ayling Alfred-c1871
Ayling Alice-c1863
Ayling Ann-c1857
Ayling Darcy-c1868
Ayling Edward-c1876
Ayling George-c1860
Ayling Mary Jane-1863
Ayling Nellie-c1878
Ayling Thomas-c1832
Ayling William-c1790
Bainbridge Elizabeth-1899
Bamforth Emma-1971
Barber George Edward-1823
Barber Edward -1764
Barber Robert Ernest-c1910
Barber Sarah Agnes -1856
Barlow Alice-1803
Barlow Alice-c1812
Barlow Amicia-c12??
Barlow Ann-c1693
Barlow Ann-c1744
Barlow Ann-c1793
Barlow Anne-c1620
Barlow Ann-c1827
Barlow Ann-c1835
Barlow Anthony-1640
Barlow Anthony-16??
Barlow Alexander Chaplin of Didsbury-c12??
Barlow Sir Alexander-c1414
Barlow Sir Alexander-c1458
Barlow Sir Alexander-c1557
Barlow Alexander-c1515
Barlow Alexander-c1606
Barlow Sir Alexander-1580
Barlow Betty-c1773
Barlow Betty-c1797
Barlow Charles-1687
Barlow Edmund-c1480
Barlow Edmund-c1686
Barlow Edmund-c1801
Barlow Edward-c1683
Barlow Edward-c1585
Barlow Elizabeth-c1496
Barlow Elizabeth-16??
Barlow Elizabeth c1624
Barlow Elizabeth-c1688
Barlow Elizabeth-c1736
Barlow Elizabeth-c1802
Barlow Ellis-c1492
Barlow Esther-c1744
Barlow Fanny-c1779
Barlow Hamo (Humphrey)-c12??
Barlow Henry-c13??
Barlow Henry-c13??
Barlow Henry-c1626
Barlow Humphrey-c1500
Barlow Humphrey-1720
Barlow James-1675
Barlow James-c1798
Barlow Jeann-c1759
Barlow John of Whittington-c13??
Barlow John-c1350
Barlow John or Lohn-c1375
Barlow John-c1688
Barlow John-c1700
Barlow John-c1733
Barlow John-c1764
Barlow John-c1788
Barlow Magdalene-16??
Barlow Margaret-c13??
Barlow Margaret Duchess of Derby-c1515
Barlow Margaret-c1547
Barlow Mary-16??
Barlow Mary-c1622
Barlow Mary-c1724
Barlow Mary-c1740
Barlow Mary-c1762
Barlow Mary-c1789
Barlow Mary-c1831
Barlow Nephi-c1831
Barlow Nephi-c1840
Barlow Nicholas-c1393
Barlow Sir Robert or Roger-c1230
Barlow Robert-c13??
Barlow Robert-c1737
Barlow Robert-1770
Barlow Roger-c1325
Barlow Roger-c13??
Barlow Roger-c1461
Barlow Roger-c1690
Barlow Thomas-c1100
Barlow Samuel-c1795
Barlow Samuel-c1799
Barlow Sarah-c1833
Barlow Sarah-c1837
Barlow Sir Thomas-c1250
Barlow Thomas-c13??
Barlow Thomas-c13??
Barlow Thomas-1686
Barlow Thomas-c1718
Barlow Thomas-c1618
Barlow Thomas-c1639
Barlow Thomas-c1660
Barlow Thomas-c1690
Barlow Thomas-c1756
Barlow Thomas-c1784
Barlow Thomas-c1823
Barlow Thurstan-c13??
Barlow Winifred-c16??
Barlow William-c1583
Barlow William-c1628
Barlow William-c1728
Barlow William-c1768
Barlow William-c1792
Barlow William-c1826
Barlow Wright-1805
Bartlett Albert-c1856
Bartlett Alfred-1863
Bartlett Alfred Dorace-1890
Bartlett Alice-c1849
Bartlett Alice Maud-1898
Bartlett Charlie E.-1888
Bartlett Edmund-c1824
Bartlett Edmund-c1851
Bartlett Ernest S.-1892
Bartlett Ellen-c1847
Bartlett Emmaly-c1853
Bartlett Frederick K. E.-1903
Bartlett Heber-c1860
Bartlett Letsey-c1868
Bartlett Percy Maurice-1894
Bartlett Rebecca Mary-1896
Bartlett Stephen-c1870
Barratt Albert-1913
Barratt Karen-1972
Barratt Marina-1946
Barratt Maurice-1948
Barret Bertie E-18??
Barret Dora-c1913
Barret Roy-c1908
Barrett Stephanie-1980
Barrow Jessie-1843
Barton George-1842
Barton Emma Simpson-1874
Bate Eleanor-1900
Bate Hannah Maria-c1878
Bate Henry Richard-c1891
Bate Matthew Partidge-c1851
Baumville de Joan-c1261
Baynham Albert-c1902
Baynham Albert Lesley-1919
Baynham Callum Jack-19??
Baynham Charles F.-1918
Baynham Charles Henry-c1873
Baynham Charles Walter-1893
Baynham Connor George-19??
Baynham Daisy-c1896
Baynham David-1944
Baynham Debra Ann-1958
Baynham Denise Margaret-1956
Baynham Dorothy L.-1921
Baynham Drew Michael-1993
Baynham Gary Gordon-1953
Baynham Graham-1956
Baynham Gordon Walter-1927
Baynham Harry-c1908
Baynham Hilda-c1900
Baynham Joseph Martin-1955
Baynham Kathleen R.-1916
Baynham Karen Jane-1958
Baynham Martin George-1958
Baynham Mark Paul-1958
Baynham Mary-1910
Baynham Maureen Elizabeth-1942
Baynham Maxine Julie-1962
Baynham Michael Gary-1989
Baynham Ronald Lesley-1929
Baynham Rose-1925
Baynham Stanley Henry-1942
Beaumont Cecily-c14??
Beedle Helen-1962
Beesley Abraham-1769
Beesley Abraham-1797
Beesley Alfred-1847
Beesley Ann-c1816
Beesley Elizabeth-c1840
Beesley Ephram-1809
Beesley Hannah Cook-1836
Beesley Isaac-1800
Beesley Issiah-1807
Beesley Jacob-1803
Beesley Jane-1842
Beesley Josiah-1847
Beesley Josiah Alfred-1816
Beesley Lavinia-1843
Beesley Mary Ann-1806
Beesley Mary Ann-1799
Beesley Mary Ann-1838
Beever Alice-1658
Bellfield Elizabeth-c1560
Belcher Florence-19??
Bembridge Carol-1941
Bembridge Clara-c1843
Bembridge Daniel-1841
Bembridge Edith-c1887
Bembridge Edith-1903
Bembridge Edith-1913
Bembridge Edwin-1902
Bembridge Ellen-1884
Bembridge Ellen-1908
Bembridge Ellenor-c1849
Bembridge Edward-1836
Bembridge Edward-c1880
Bembridge Emily-c1863
Bembridge Emily-c1874
Bembridge Frederick-1905
Bembridge Henry c1806
Bembridge Henry James-1906
Bembridge Henry James-1883
Bembridge Horace Joseph-1909
Bembridge Issac-c1834
Bembridge Kathleen-1915
Bembridge Rebecca-c1833
Bembridge Sarah-c1839
Bembridge Susanah-c1850
Bembridge William Henry-1847
Benson Catherine-1909
Benson Charles Wakfield-1884
Benyunes Pearla-1922
Berry Ada-c1886
Berry Albert-c1885
Berry Annie-c1888
Berry Francis-c1881
Berry Edmond-1901
Berry George-c1845
Berry George-c1884
Berry Eliza-c1888
Berry Harriet-c1886
Berry Isabella-c1873
Berry James-c1844
Berry John W.-c1893
Berry Joseph-c1874
Berry Nancy-c1841
Berry Richard-c1867
Berry Richard-1901
Berry Robert-c1815
Berry Robert-c1898
Berry Robert-c1851
Berry Robert-1907
Berry Sarah Ann-c1852
Berry Sarah Ann-c1875
Berry Thomas-c1871
Besley Eliza-c1856
Besley Mark-c1825
Bessett Iris-1917
Billing Caleb-c1859
Billing Elizabeth-c1843
Billing Elizabeth M.-c1895
Billing Edward-c1864
Billing Ellen-c1852
Billing Frederick-c1866
Billing Henry-c1840
Billing Henry-c1855
Billing Kate-c1862
Billing Lillian M.-c1898
Billing Thomas-c1831
Billing Mary-1856
Billing Mary Ann-c1836
Billing William-c1806
Bird Agnes-c1868
Bird Agnes-c1900
Bird Albert Edward-c1902
Bird Betty-1924
Bird Betty-1948
Bird Edna-19??
Bird John-c1905
Bird Lily-19??
Bird May-c1889
Bird Renee-19??
Bird Robert-c1909
Bird Thomas-c18??
Bird Thomas James-c18??
Bird William-c1876
Bishop Andrew-1990
Bishop Barry John-1958
Bishop Holly-1996
Bishop Lisa Margaret-1989
Bishop Mark-1994
Bishopp Amelia-1846
Bishopp Archie Baden-1901
Bishopp Daniel-c1835
Bishopp Edith Maud-c1893
Bishopp Edward-1836
Bishopp Eliza-c1837
Bishopp Emily Jane-c1862
Bishopp George Thomas-c1865
Bishopp Gwendoline Mabel-c1908
Bishopp James-1840
Bishopp Jane-1844
Bishopp John-1851
Bishopp Louis-c1849
Bishopp Mary Ann-1870
Bishopp Olive Lillian Ruth-c1902
Bishopp Robert-1838
Bishopp Robert-c1863
Bishopp Robert George-c1896
Bishopp Sarah-c1846
Bishopp Sarah Elizabeth-c1868
Bishopp Susannah-1842
Bishopp Thomas-1800
Bishopp Thomas-1833
Bishopp Walter Ernest-c1906
Black Agnes-18??
Blades Agnes-1838
Blades Betsey-1833
Blades James-1826
Blades John-1806
Blades John-1835
Blades Mary-1831
Blades Thomas-1840
Blades William-1844
Blanche Isabella-18??
Bodfish Maria Minne-c1905
Bold Abigail-1855
Bold Ann-1710
Bold Ann-1781
Bold Catherine-1853
Bold Charles Frederick-1874
Bold David Nuttall-1857
Bold Edgar Alan-1893
Bold Ellen-1745
Bold Elizabeth-1783
Bold Elizabeth-1891
Bold Elizabeth Ann-1852
Bold Frederick-1906
Bold Gary-1944
Bold George-1788
Bold James-1790
Bold James-1791
Bold James Nuttal-1868
Bold Jane-1796
Bold John-1800
Bold John-1834
Bold Lucy-1975
Bold Margaret-1840
Bold Mark-1974
Bold Norman Charles-1906
Bold Sara Ann-1836
Bold Rebecca May-1888
Bold Richard-1676
Bold Richard-1791
Bold Robert 1750
Bold Robert-1824
Bold Wilfred Harri-1896
Bold William-1713
Bold William-1741
Bold William 1786
Bold William-1863
Bolton Mary Hannah-1855
Booth Mary Ann-1816
Bonner Adelaide Ada-1896
Bonner Annie-1873
Bonner Charles-1853
Bonner Ellen Beatrice-1893
Bonner Emily Ethel-1883
Bonner Emma-1883
Bonner Frederick Charles-1886
Bonner Frederick John-1929
Bonner George J.-1926
Bonner John-1893
Bonner Lily-1888
Bonner Louisa-1881
Bonner Richard-1820
Bonner William-1890
Bowen Ben-1995
Bowen Brad-1998
Bowen Paul William-19??
Bowcutt Alice-c1868
Bowcutt Elizabeth-c1873
Bowcutt Ellen-c1865
Bowcutt Emily-c1860
Bowcutt George-1863
Bowcutt Henry-c1858
Bowcutt William-c1829
Bowcutt William-c1856
Bowker Ann-1719
Boxall Alice-1882
Boxall Anne-1863
Boxall Annie-1880
Boxall Arthur-1888
Boxall Charles-1858
Boxall Charlotte-1855
Boxall David-1865
Boxall Eliza-1858
Boxall Eliza-c1868
Boxall Elizabeth-1853
Boxall Elizabeth M.-1886
Boxall Emily-1860
Boxall Emily Jane-1874
Boxall Ernest Leonard-1899
Boxall George-1876
Boxall George S.-1848
Boxall Hannah-1862
Boxall Harriet 1886
Boxall Henry Strudwick-1845
Boxall Lilian-1896
Boxall James-1850
Boxall James-1875
Boxall Nellie-1890
Boxall William-1813
Boxall William-1843
Boxall William-1870
Boxall William Henry-1896
Boyer Lisa-1970
Bradnack Angela Hazel-1969
Bradnack Colin Peter-1964
Bradnack William George-1920
Bradnack Graham William-1942
Bradnack Hilary Ivy-1946
Bradnack Ian Graham-1964
Bradnack Kenneth-194?
Bradnack Sean Thomas-1970
Bradnack Sharon-1966
Bradnack William Ernest-189?
Breakspear John J.-1881
Breakspear Joyce A. C.-1913
Brereton Frances-c1592
Brereton Mary-c1559
Brett Ann-1748
Brett Ann-1786
Brett Benjamin-1830
Brett Benjamin-c1856
Brett Benjamin Norton-1883
Brett George-c1818
Brett Caroline-c1823
Brett Caroline M.-c1843
Brett Elizabeth-1834
Brett Emily-1824
Brett Emily-c1850
Brett Emily-c1860
Brett Emma-c1848
Brett George-1791
Brett George G.-c1913
Brett George-1844
Brett George William-1882
Brett Harriet-1831
Brett Henry-1761
Brett Henry-1826
Brett Henry-c1850
Brett James-c1854
Brett Jennett-c1857
Brett Martha-c1848
Brett Mathew-1790
Brett Mary A.-c1847
Brett Oliver-c1855
Brett Richard-1822
Brett Richard-c1853
Brett Thomas-1785
Brett William-c1819
Brett William Edgar-c1910
Briggs Clara-1894
Briggs George-1828
Briggs Grace-c1824
Briggs James-c17??
Briggs James-c1823
Briggs James-c1855
Briggs John-c1832
Briggs Martha-c1869
Briggs Thomas-c1818
Briggs William-c1820
Briggs William-c1870
Briggs William Edward-1899
Brewerton Ellen-c1869
Brewerton Hannah-c1830
Broomfield Ameila-1857
Broomfield Andrew-1851
Broomfield Charles-1847
Broomfield George-c1829
Broomfield George-1846
Broomfield Henry-1855
Broomfield James-c1795
Broomfield James-c1818
Broomfield James-1844
Broomfield Joseph-1852
Broomfield Mark-1862
Bloomfield Naomi-c1869
Bloomfield Peter-c1864
Broomfield Thomas-c1850
Broomfield William-1821
Broomfield William-1843
Brown Ann M.-1900
Brown Elizabeth-1788
Brown Emily-c1896
Brown Emily-1900
Brown Frederick-c1881
Brown Ian-19??
Brown Isaac Henry-c1893
Brown Jacob-19??
Brown Martha-c1788
Brown Marther-1812
Budd Andrew-1874
Budd Annie-1899
Budd Ellen-c1873
Budd Laura May-1904
Budd Robert-1848
Budd Walter M.-c1870
Budd William George-1901
Burbeck Michael-19??
Burgess Hilda-????
Burgess May-????
Burgess William-18??
Burns Gemma-19??
Burns Jordan Lily-19??
Burns Sharon-1961
Burtenshaw James-1845
Burton Agnes Mary-1912
Burton Alfred-1853
Burton Alfred James-1841
Burton Alice-c1864
Burton Alice 1900
Burton Charles-1819
Burton Christopher-c1740
Burton Florence May-1912
Burton Frederick Charles-1908
Burton George-1829
Burton Geoffrey-1935
Burton Hannah Elizabeth-1905
Burton Harriet Louisa-1823
Burton Henry-1850
Burton Henry Gibson-1827
Burton John-1766
Burton John Dennis-1915
Burton John William-c1835
Burton John William-1870
Burton Joseph James-1908
Burton Julia-1856
Burton Lily-1903
Burton Mark J.-1950
Burton Molly-1936
Burton Samuel-c1791
Burton Samuel-1821
Burton Sarah A.-1857
Burton Sarah-c1760
Burton Sheila R. I.-1949
Burton Rose A.-1925
Burton Walter-1825
Burton Wayne-1937
Callingham Mary-c1785
Calvert Charles William-1906
Calvert Elaine-19??
Calvert Elizabeth-19??
Calvert Malcolm-1943
Calvert Martin-19??
Calvert Victoria-19??
Clapham Alice-1759
Clapper William-1754
Claridge Charles W.-c1870
Claridge Henry-c1869
Clark Albert H.-c1884
Clark Alice-c1873
Clark Alice-1908
Clark Arthur J.-c1889
Clark Beatrice-c1878
Clarke Della-1905
Clark Edith-c1886
Clark George Henry-1900
Clark Gladys-1898
Clark Herbert E.-1907
Clark Henry-c1849
Clark Henry Elliot-1874
Clark Hubert-c1882
Clark Leonard-1902
Clark Livinia Rose-1890
Claydon Caroline-1862
Carpenter Arthur Albert-1897
Carpenter Beatrice-c1889
Carpenter Caroline-c1868
Carpenter Daisy-c1892
Carpenter Dolly-c1895
Carpenter Ellen-c1865
Carpenter Emily-c1854
Carpenter George-c1851
Carpenter Harriott-1861
Carpenter Henry Arthur-1863
Carpenter James-c1857
Carpenter Rose-c1886
Carpenter Rosie-c1907
Carpenter Thomas-c1852
Carpenter Sarah Ann-c1847
Carpenter William-1820
Carpenter William-c1849
Carter Elizabeth-c1844
Carter Harriet-1846
Carter John-c18??
Carradine William A.-1884
Chalcraft Harriet-1812
Champion Thomas-1815
Charlesworth Eliza-1838
Charlton William Henry-1810
Chatterway Martha-1872
Chatterley Albert-c1909
Chatterley Arthur-c1904
Chatterley Arthur B.-c1876
Chatterley Gertrude Alice-c1899
Chatterley Nellie-c1902
Chatterley Ralph-c1907
Clapham Sarah-c1878
Cliffe Ann-1752
Clifford Margaret-c1540
Clough Emma Lund-1845
Cock Ann-1749
Cole Ada-1872
Cole Alfred Victor-1906
Cole Charles-1807
Cole Charles-c1841
Cole Charles H.-1871
Cole Charlotte-1883
Cole Edward Ekin-1868
Cole Emily-c1844
Cole Emily E.-1878
Cole Emma-1848
Cole Francis James-1909
Cole Francis Victor-1880
Cole Frederick-1874
Cole Fredrick W-1868
Cole George-1816
Cole Henry-1823
Cole Henry-1838
Cole James-1811
Cole Jane-1804
Cole Job Edward-c1893
Cole Job Henry-1864
Cole John-c1819
Cole John-c1850
Cole Mary Ann-1822
Cole May-c1897
Cole Rose-1870
Cole Thomas-c1760
Cole Thomas-1809
Cole Thomas-1781
Cole Thomas-c1846
Cole Thomas Alfred-1876
Cole William-1814
Cole William-1779
Collins Naomi-1991
Combes Mary Ann-c1855
Combes William-c1823
Constable Barbara-1531
Constable Everilda-c1535
Constable Sir Robert-c1495
Cook Margaret-1931
Cooper Elizabeth-1774
Coppage Mary-1781
Copus Ann-1814
Cotton Margaret-17??
Cotton Mary-c15??
Cordery Jane-c1818
Cordingley Mary-1811
Cowles Ann-1861
Cowley Jeff-19??
Cox Emily Elizabeth-c1902
Cox Ernest James-c1908
Cox Frederick-1876
Cramm Sarah Ann-1838
Cranham William-1886
Crathorne George-1761
Crathorne James-1497
Crathorne John 1540
Crathorn John-1652
Crathorn John-1686
Crathorn Joseph-1741
Crathorn Harriet-1811
Crathorne Henry Ralph-1757
Crathorne Ralph-1604
Crathorne Richard-1515
Crathorn Richard-1568
Crathorne Thomas-1474
Crathorne Thomas-1721
Crathorn Sir Thomas-1528
Crathorn Thomas-1582
Crathorne de Sir William-c1254
Crathorne William-1670
Craven Nancy-1846
Cringle Ronald-1935
Crockford John-18??
Cureton Jane-1968
Crump Francis Richards-1892
Crump Minnie-c1875
Crump William Richards-c1894
Culpin Elsie-1910
Curtis Tina-1947
Daffey Sarah-1764
Daniels Ellen-1906
Davies Elizabeth-1915
Davies May Beatrice-1912
Davies Eliza-c1824
Davis Mary Kate-1855
Daws Mary-c1826
Day Agnes S.-1869
Day Alan-????
Day Alfred-c1853
Day Alice-1870
Day Arthur-1883
Day Aubrey-1879
Day Bertie-c1877
Day Con?-????
Day Edna-????
Day Eliza-c1845
Day Ernest-c1877
Day Eric-????
Day George-1818
Day George-1846
Day George-1876
Day Horace-c1881
Day Horace-1883
Day Joyce-????
Day Kate-1872
Day Mary Ann-c1850
Day Maud-1874
Day Olive-18??
Day Olive-1881
Day Sarah-c1849
Day Sidney-1878
Day Walter-c1855
Day William-c1842
de la Tremoille Lady Charlotte-c1599
de Perez Mario-19??
de Vere Elizabeth-1675
Daley Ann-1846
Deeming Sarah-1738
Devine Mary Ann-1895
Dicker Bawden Susanna-c1829
Doherty Hugh Christopher-1942
Doherty Hugh Michael-1965
Doherty Neil Gordon-1969
Doherty Stephen John-1964
Doherty Millie Elizabeth-2003
Doland Helen-1919
Douglas Elizabeth-1851
Douglas William-1872
Duchmann Catarina-1801
Dukes Elizabeth (Betsey)-1829
Dukes Emma-1819
Dukes Thomas-1792
Dukes Joseph-c1727
Dukes Joseph-1862
Dukes Joseph-1799
Dukes Josiah-1802
Dukes Joseph-1824
Dukes Mary-1805
Dukes Mary Ann-1797
Dukes Mary Ann-1831
Dukes Sarah-1822
Dukes William-1795
Dukes William-1835
Drury Kathleen-19??
Earl Mary-1817
Eastwood Mark-c1894
Edward III King of England
Edward IV King of England
Edwards Alfred-c1867
Edwards Alfred-c1890
Edwards Ann-c1854
Edwards Annie Ethel-c1870
Edwards Arthur-c1867
Edwards Bertie-c1899
Edwards Elizabeth-c1848
Edwards Eva Gertrude-c1893
Edwards Emily-c1850
Edwards Fredrick-c1907
Edwards Grace-c1904
Edwards Henry-18??
Edwards George-1826
Edwards George-c1856
Edwards George-c1872
Edwards George-c1891
Edwards Henry-c1852
Edwards Jane-1821
Edwards Jane-c1860
Edwards John Robert-c1876
Edwards Maurice Henry-c1865
Edwards Minnie-c1873
Edwards Minnie-c1901
Edwards Olive May-1895
Edwards Robert-1829
Edwards Rosina-c1858
Edwards Susan-1846
Edwards Walter-c1874
Edwards William-1823
Edwards William-c1846
Edwards William-c1869
Edwards William-c1871
Edwards William-c1897
Edworthy Emily M.-c1852
Edworthy George-?
Edworthy George-c1833
Edworthy Georgina-c1859
Edworthy Mary Ann-c1805
Edworthy Mary Ann-1859
Edworthy John-1830
Edworthy John H.-1861
Ellidge Hannah-1776
Eliot Elizabeth-c1755
Elkin Alexander John-1883
Elkin Alfred-1890
Elkin Alfred Henry-1859
Elkin Ann-1810
Elkin Edmund-1824
Elkin Elizabeth-1803
Elkin Florence-1864
Elkin Henry James Walter-1855
Elkin John-1825
Elkin Julia Phoebe-1857
Elkin John 1825
Elkin Mary-1806
Elkin Mary Jane-1871
Elkin Richard-1774
Elkin Richard-1798
Elkin Richard Henry-1880
Elkin Sara Ann-1862
Elkin Selina-1830
Elkin Thomas-1749
Elkin Thomas-1800
Elkin Thomas 1776
Elkin William Henry-1826
Elliott Albert-c1870
Elliott Edward-c1867
Elliott Emma Alice-1865
Elliott Florence-1890
Elliott George-c1862
Elliott Hannah-c1876
Elliott James-c1868
Elliott John-c1859
Elliott Julia-c1861
Elliott Lewis Edwin-1883
Elliott Lucy-1893
Elliott Rose Ellen May-1889
Elliott Rosetta-1889
Elliott Thomas-c17??
Elliott Thomas-1829
Elliott Thomas-c1858
Elliott Mary Ann-c1873
Elliott Sidney-c1878
Elliott William-c1864
Ellison Robert Malcolm-1949
Elliss Emily-c1850
Elson Agnes Ruth-c1892
Elson Alice-c1878
Elson Ann-1870
Elson Arthur-c1885
Elson Charlie-c1888
Elson Eliza-c1876
Elson George-c1874
Elson Harry-c1880
Elson Mary-c1882
Elson Zachariah-1844
Entwhistle Agnes-c13??
Evans Elizabeth-18??
Evans Jessica-1968
Evans Lewis-2000
Everitt Alfred-1853
Everitt Florence S. A. V.-1900
Everitt Mary A.-1883
Everitt Peter W.-1880
Everitt Staudley H.-1898
Fairfax Charles Gregory-1797
Fagan Eileen-1955
Fairminer Alfred-c1887
Fairminer Edward J.-c1881
Fairminer James-c1858
Fairminer John-c1888
Fairminer Joseph-c1889
Fairminer Mary A.-c1883
Fairminer Rose-1890
Farh Clifford-????
Farh Harold-????
Farh Herbert-18??
Farh Maud-????
Farh Michael-????
Finch Ellen-1838
Fisher Ann-c1825
Fisher Emma-c1841
Fisher Phoebe-c1803
Flanders Albert-1913
Flanders Alfred-c1868
Flanders Alice-1911
Flanders Arthur-c1872
Flanders Arthur-1885
Fanders Elizabeth-1911
Flanders George-c1860
Flanders George William-1889
Flanders Jane-c1865
Flanders Maud Ethel-c1893
Flanders Walter-1883
Flanders William-c1883
Flanders William Benjamin-1862
Flood Bruce Earle-1944
Foster Andrew-1862
Foster Douglas-19??
Foster Henry-1906
Foster Leonard-19??
Foster Leonard-19??
Foster Peggy-19??
Foster Vera--19??
Fowler Dorothy May-1914
Fox Lillian May-1884
Foxcroft Justin-1974
Foxcroft Chloe-2005
Foxcroft Rupert-2005
Franklin George Henry-1917
Franklin Janet-1945
Franklin Kim-1958
Franklin Thomas-c1866
Franklin William-c1818
Franklin Thomas William-1845
Franklin William Henry-c1887
Frost Anne-1772
Frost William 1750
Fuller Beau-2016
Fuller Buddy-2012
Fuller Ezra Jonas-2016
Fuller Geoffrey-1947
Fuller James-1981
Fuller Oliver-1979
Fuller Richard-1977
Fuller William-1979
Furze Lotte Edith-c1890
Gale Ann-1841
Gates Ada-c1886
Gates Alfred-1896
Gates Charles William-1899
Gates Elsie Winnie-1905
Gates George-1860
Gates George-1893
Gates Lily-1888
Gates Thomas-18??
Gates Rosette-1890
Gauntlett Hannah-1848
Gebhard Clifford John-1907
Gebhard Johann Jacob-1819
Gebhard Johann Martin-1853
Gebhard Martin-????
Gebhard Martin James-1910
Gebhard Paul-1954
Gebhard Roy-1931
Gibbs Ann-c1852
Gibbs Bertha Lavina-1867
Gibbs Charles-1846
Gibbs Charles-1909
Gibbs Constance Harriet-1897
Gibbs Doris-1912
Gibbs Edith Evelyn-1918
Gibbs Emily-1855
Gibbs Emily-1899
Gibbs Florence Mary-1903
Gibbs George-c1823
Gibbs George-c1874
Gibbs George-1905
Gibbs Harriet-1872
Gibbs James-19??
Gibbs Kate-1880
Gibbs Kate-1901
Gibbs Michael-19??
Gibbs Rachel Dinah-1849
Gibbs William-1876
Gilbert Alice Maude-1882
Gill Benjamin-c1829
Gilmar Henry-1736
Gilmar William-1768
Gilmore Ann-1810
Gilmore Annie Ada-1904
Gilmore Daisy May-1906
Gilmore David-1839
Gilmore David-1855
Gilmore Edith 1894
Gilmore Elen Kathleen-1894
Gilmore Ellen Jane-1861
Gilmore Elizabeth-1718
Gilmore Emily-1901
Gilmore Ernest Frederick
Gilmore Ethel Mary-1892
Gilmore George-1865
Gilmore Henry-1660
Gilmore Henry-1724
Gilmore Henry-1817
Gilmore Henry-1849
Gilmore Henry-1860
Gilmore Henry Charles-1906
Gilmore Jane-1820
Gilmore Jane-1833
Gilmore Jesse-1857
Gilmore John-1824
Gilmore John-1837
Gilmore Lucy-1851
Gilmore Doris May-1901
Gilmore Margaret-1895
Gilmore Mary-c1721
Gilmore Mary Ann-1864
Gilmore Thomas-1684
Gilmore Thomas-1736
Gilmore Thomas-1813
Gilmore Thomas-1841
Gilmore Winifred-1898
Gilmore William-1806
Gilmore William-1832
Gilmore Willliam-1853
Gilmore William-1855
Gilmore William George-c1895
Gilmore William Henry Percy-1890
Glass William-c1862
Godley Lesley Jacqueline-1954
Godman Alice Mary-1915
Godwin Rose Agnes-1911
Goddard Ada-c1885
Goddard Albert-c1880
Goddard Alice-c1872
Goddard Alfred-1847
Goddard Alfred-c1875
Goddard Amy-c1868
Goddard Arthur-c1890
Goddard Caroline-1830
Goddard Eliza-c1849
Goddard Elizabeth-1832
Goddard Emily-1852
Goddard Ethel-c1894
Goddard Florence-c1869
Goddard George-1808
Goddard George-1842
Goddard Edwin-c1879
Goddard Henry-1845
Goddard Henry-c1868
Goddard Herbert-c1880
Goddard James-1766
Goddard James-1834
Goddard Lilly-c1874
Goddard Louisa-c1877
Goddard Mabel-c1885
Goddard Martha-c1840
Goddard Mary Ann-1836
Goddard Minnie-c1874
Goddard Percy-c1880
Goddard Walter-c1871
Goddard William George-1838
Goddard William-c1870
Golding William Dennis-1941
Golding William George-1921
Goodby Thelma May-1933
Goodman Andrew-1879
Goodman Francis John-1907
Goodman Frank-1876
Goodman Dorothy Alice Day-1904
Goodman Jeremy-1983
Goodman James-1802
Goodman John-1840
Goodman Kate Olive-1903
Goodman Lucy-1986
Goodman Margaret Day (Peggy)-1911
Goodman Marjory Maud Ada-1909
Goodman Mary Deborah-1948
Goodman Philip-1884
Goodman Rebecca Jane-1950
Goodman Rupert George-1916
Goodman Timothy-1964
Goodman Venetia Mary-1939
Goulding Magdaline-c1650
Goushill Joan-c1401
Gray Jack-19??
Gray Jackie-19??
Gray Jane-19??
Gray Joyce-????
Gray Kathryn-19??
Gray Mary-19??
Gretton Alice Maud-1860
Griffin Dora-19??
Griffin George-18??
Griffin Reginald-19??
Gudgeon Agnes-1914
Gudgeon Annie-c1902
Gudgeon Arthur-c1880
Gudgeon Arthur-c1910
Gudgeon Blanche-1907
Gudgeon Clarance-c1907
Gudgeon Fred-c1886
Gudgeon Fred-c1904
Gudgeon Harold-c1893
Gudgeon Horace-1917
Gudgeon James-c1873
Gudgeon Luther L. E.-c1884
Gudgeon Matthew-c1843
Gudgeon Matthew-c1876
Gudgeon Martha Ann-c1886
Gudgeon Robert-c1878
Gumm Elizabeth-1742
Gumm William-1712
Gustar James-1987
Gustar Katie-1984
Gustar Rachael-1990
Gustar Steve-1964
Hackman Amy-c1874
Hackman Arthur Henry-c1853
Hackman Ebenezer-c1885
Hackman Ellen-c1840
Hackman Elizabeth-c1839
Hackman Emma-c1846
Hackman Emma-c1864
Hackman Fanny-c1875
Hackman George-c1837
Hackman Harriet-c1842
Hackman Harriet-c1866
Hackman John-c1872
Hackman Mary-c1860
Hackman Mary Ann-c1844
Hackman Mercy-c1859
Hackman Naomi-c1870
Hackman William-c1812
Hamson Ada-19??
Hamson Bill-19??
Hamson Doris-19??
Hamson George-1872
Hamson Herbert-1870
Hamson Hilda-19??
Hamson John-1877
Hamson Kathleen Margaret-1937
Hamson Louisa-1875
Hamson Lucy-19??
Hamson Maurice Edward-1940
Hamson Maurice Samuel-1910
Hamson Paul-19??
Hamson Samuel-1878
Hamson Thomas Samuel-19??
Hamson William-1841
Harbour David-19??
Harbour Laura-19??
Harbour Mick-19??
Harbour Peter-19??
Harbour Sara-19??
Hardimann Emily-1838
Hardy Cecil-1915
Hardy Frances Fanny-1794
Hardy Gary-1969
Hardy James 1771
Hardy James-1804
Hardy James-1838
Hardy Jessica Aimee-2004
Hardy Thomas-1718
Hardy Thomas-1840
Hardy William-1889
Hare Alice Clara-c1881
Hare Arthur William-1895
Hare Emma Jane-c1864
Hare Jane-1840
Hare Nellie Clara-c1893
Hare Thomas-c1838
Hare Thomas Albert Edward-c1901
Hare Thomas Edwin-c1866
Hare Robert-c17??
Hare Rowlatt-1815
Hare Rowlatt-1842
Hare Walter Edwin-c1890
Hare Walter-c1871
Harmsworth Annie-1895
Harmsworth Ernest G.-1883
Harmsworth George-1854
Harmsworth Thomas-1886
Harris Anthony-1952
Harrison Betty-19??
Hart Ann-1808
Hart James-1766
Harwood Eliza-c1827
Hasting Ann-c1485
Hattersley Anne-1766
Hatterley Charlotte-1785
Hattersley Charlotte-1805
Hattersley Dinah-1762
Hattersley Edwin Greaves-1824
Hattersley Elizabeth-1791
Hattersley George-1781
Hattersley George-1789
Hattersley George Rhodes-1827
Hattersley James-1771
Hatterley James Midgley-1842
Hattersley John Mitchell-1822
Hattersley Jonathan-1739
Hattersley Jonathan-1769
Hattersley Jonathan-1800
Hattersley Levi-1795
Hattersley Mary Elizabeth-1843
Hattersley Nathanial-1680
Hattersley Nathaniel-1765
Hattersley Rebecca-1874
Hattersley Richard-1607
Hattersley Richard-1643
Hattersley Richard-1705
Hattersley Richard-1761
Hattersley Richard-1787
Hattersley Richard Longden-1820
Hattersley Samuel-1785
Hattersley Sarah Ann-1830
Hattersley Thomas Driver-1845
Hattersley William Henry-1832
Haw Albert Edward-1910
Haw Alice Mable-1902
Haw Charles Matthew-1903
Haw Craddock-1869
Haw Eleanor Hannah-1905
Haw Harold Bate-1916
Haw Kathleen Mary-1900
Haw John Henry-1901
Haw William Craddock-1907
Hawkes Mary-1802
Hawkins Janette May-1952
Hawkins Sidney Harold-1908
Healy John-c1887
Healey Richard-1895
Hedger Amelia (Milly)-1769
Hedger James-1767
Henderson Mary Bolton-1885
Herrington Earnest-1923
Herrington Thomas-c1846
Herrington Jack-1920
Herrington John Thomas-c1886
Herrington Mary Elizabeth-c1883
Herrington Wilfred Spencer-c1892
Herrington Wilfred Spencer-1917
Hewill Martha-c1791
Hickman Amy-1888
Hickman Annie-1878
Hickman Arthur-c1862
Hickman Aubrey-c1850
Hickman Doris Hilda-1898
Hickman Edward-c1827
Hickman Edward-c1856
Hickman Eliza-c1866
Hickman Emily-c1864
Hickman Florence Emma-1891
Hickman Frank-1885
Hickman Harold-1893
Hickman Henry E.-c1848
Hickman Herbert-1896
Hickman Ivy-1892
Hickman Joseph-c1852
Hickman Margaret May-1890
Hickman Mary-1887
Hickman Nellie-1876
Hickman Sarah K.-1850
Hickman Selina-1983
Hickman Thomas-1857
Hickman Thomas-1881
Hill Alice-c1812
Hill Benjamin-c1851
Hill Benjamin-c1879
Hill Bethiah-c1847
Hill Bethiah-c1893
Hill Betty D.-1932
Hill Caroline L.-c1891
Hill David J.-1937
Hill Edward-c1846
Hill Edward-c1882
Hill Ellen-c1895
Hill Elizabeth-c1865
Hill Fanny-c1875
Hill George-c1844
Hill George-c1880
Hill Henry-c1829
Hill Henry-c1850
Hill Henry-c1884
Hill Hilda E. M.-1925
Hill James-c1877
Hill Norman Leslie-1933
Hill Patricia V.-1928
Hill Peter-1935
Hill Robert-c1886
Hill Ruby E. J.-1930
Hill Violet-1935
Hill William Walter-1899
Hills Ann-1816
Hillyer Mary Ann-c1810
Hitchcock Helen-1827
Hobbs Elizabeth-?
Hodgson Marie-1976
Holdsworth Hepzibah-1730
Holland Joan-c1379
Holmes John-1771
Holmes Margaret-1809
Hood Laura-1987
Hood Mary-18??
Hope Elsie-1904
Hope George-1877
Hope Hazel M.-1922
Hope James Harold-1900
Hopkins Anthony-1951
Hopkins Christopher John-1944
Hopkins David Joseph-1943
Hopkins Henry-1665
Hopkins Jane-1771
Hopkins Joseph Vincent-1913
Hopkins Judith Ann-1948
Hopkins Karen Audrey-1974
Hopkins Matthew-1976
Hopkiss Elizabeth-1804
Horton Fanny-c1851
Hosgood Sebastian-c1893
Howard Catherine Duchess of Derby
Howell Dora Millicent-1919
Howell Harriet-c1800
Howell Henry A.-c1880
Howell Henry J.-c1850
Howell Joseph-c1795
Hubbard Ann E-1975
Hughes Martha-1835
Hurst Mary-c1825
Hutchins Emily-1874
Hutchinson Daniel-2005
Hutchinson David Matthew Charles-1972
Hutchinson Jonathan Paul Ekins-1968
Hutchinson Matthew-2003
Hutchinson Michael-1940
Hyam Daniel-1981
Hyam Philip-1948
Hyam Sophie-1974
Hyam Thomas-1978
Hynes Linda-1950
Inman Agnes-1838
Insley Hannah-1798
Insley John-1731
Insley Richard-1761
Inwood Mary-1823
Ireton Alice c1879
Ireton James-c1852
Ireton Jane E.-c1870
Ireton Margaret-c1853
Ireton Margaret-1881
Ireton Sarah-c1877
Islip Eliza-1821
Jackson Katherine-c1644
Jagger Elsie May-c1898
Jagger Herbert-c1875
Jagger Herbert-c1907
Jagger Joseph Henry-c1909
Jagger Lillian-c1899
Jagger Norman-c1904
Jagger Wilfred-c1902
James Charles-c1820
James Dora-c1888
James Edmund-c1851
Jarratt Albert Earnest-1858
Jarratt Arthur J.-1856
Jarratt Elizabeth Emma-c1885
Jarratt Florence-1883
Jarratt John-1887
Jarratt John Leach-1805
Jarratt John Leach-1827
Jarratt John Ottley-1852
Jones George-1931
Jones James -1762
Jones James-1802
Jones Sarah-c1822
Joy Elizabeth-c1869
Joy Emily-c1870
Joy John-c1873
Joy Mary Ann-c1865
Joy William-1843
Kay William-1867
Keegan Ann-c1849
Keegan James-18??
Keegan John-1847
Keegan John-1879
Keegan Margaret-1875
Keegan Maria-1884
Keegan Martin-1881
Keegan Nellie-1894
Keegan Thomas-1892
Kellett Kathryn-1966
Kenyon Elizabeth-c1875
Kenyon Henry-c1853
Kenyon William-c1876
Key Pauline Ann-1948
Kighley George-1679
Kighley George-1702
Kighley Sir Henry-c1345
Kighley Sir Henry-c1496
Kighley Henry-1522
Kighley Leonard-c1552
Kighley Mary-1741
Kighley Sir Richard-c1370
King Beatrice Sarah-1896
King Dennis P. V.-c19??
King Diana M. H.-1921
King Dora Lavinia-1898
King Edith Phoebe-1880
King Florence Mary A.-1883
King George-c1825
King George-c1860
King George-c1886
King Gertrude Lily-1889
King Hetty-1882
King John-c1865
King Mary-1854
King Mary A.-c1853
King Rosa May-1888
King Wilfred-1894
King William-c1855
Kingsnorth Sarah Ann-c1847
Knowles Ann-c1842
Knowles Alexander-1832
Knowles Christopher-c1811
Knowles Dorothy Mabel-1890
Knowles Eliza Julia-1857
Knowles James-1834
Knowles John-1842
Knowles Joseph-1804
Knowles Joseph-1838
Knowles Joseph-1855
Knowles Lydia-1828
Knowles Mary Ann-1844
Knowles Mary Jane-1857
Knowles Nellie Florence-1890
Knowles Sarah Alice-1860
Knowles Sarah Ann-1829
Knowles Thomas-1855
Knowles Thomas 1862
Knowles Thomas Harold-1885
Knowles Walter Henry Elkin-1884
Knowles William-1826
Knowles William Nicholls-1863
Langman Albert-c19??
Langrish Daisy Ellen-1896
Langrish George Henry-c1860
Langrish May Elizabeth-1882
Langrish William George-1891
Langstaff Carol-1963
Langton Elizabeth-c1400
Lawler Christopher John-1957
Lawler Dale Christopher-1976
Lawler Dean Gary-1980
Lee Adelaide-c1878
Lee Annie-c1871
Lee Eliza-c1875
Lee George W.-c1887
Lee Isabella-c1851
Lee James-c1848
Lee Tom-c1881
Lees Alice M.-1840
Lees Gertrude A.-1887
Leigh Elizabeth-c1525
Line Clara-1860
Lines Hadden-2010
Lines Iain-1979
Linney Lady Margaret Joyce-c1355
Lodge Edwin-19??
Lodge Gerard-19??
Lodge Jean-19??
Lodge Margaret-19??
Lodge Muriel-19??
Longdon Charlotte-1763
Longdon Samuel-1728
Longhurst Ann-1769
Lotta Caroline-1805
Manders Kay-19??
Manders Leann-19??
Manders Mark-19??
Manders Mark-19??
Manders Sydney William-19??
Manners Sir George-1572
Manners Sir John-1527
Manners Thomas 1st Earl Rutland-c1463
March Eliza-1808
Marmion Barbara-1948
Marriott Margaret Ellen-1892
Marsh James-c1855
Marshall Albert-1845
Marshall Albert-1871
Marshall Albert Murray-1893
Marshall Alfred-1829
Marshall Alfred-1871
Marshall Alfred Henry-1891
Marshall Alice Georgine-1899
Marshall Alice Maud-1898
Mashall Annie-c1875
Marshall Bertha-c1851
Marshall Catherine-1842
Marshall Edward-1800
Marshall Edward-1834
Marshall Elise Gertrude-1898
Marshall Gladys Annie-1903
Marshall Leonard-1897
Marshall Livyer-1850
Marshall Mary Ann-1836
Marshall Murray-c1879
Marshall Noah-1838
Marshall Pilgrim-1840
Marshall Susan-c1847
Marshall Thomas-c1865
Marshall Thomas Pilgrim-1890
Marshall William-1827
Mason Ann-1860
Massey Adam-1817
Massey Eve-1817
Massey Alice-c1339
Massey Elizabeth-1859
Massey Martha-1856
Massey Nathan-c1853
Masterson Jemma-1992
Masterson Martyn-1987
Masterson Philip-1964
Masterson Sarah-1989
Mathews Theresa-1935
McCabe Ethna-1936
McCabe Felix-18??
McCabe Helena-18??
McCabe Helena-1930
McCabe John-18??
McCabe John-1930
McCabe Mary-1940
McCabe Molly-18??
McCabe Patrick-1929
McCabe Patrick Joseph-1896
McCormick Maria-18??
McDonald Mary Elizabeth-c1883
McGuinness Charlotte Jocasta-1959
McGuinness Francis Edward-1930
McGuinness Isobel Henrietta-1962
McGuinness Joanna Kate-1964
McGuinness Marcus Jonathan James-1961
Meadwell Jane-1816
Mee Annie-c1891
Menard Albert Piper-1908
Mensch Martha-1854
Merrydew Elizabeth-1684
Meynell Winifred-c1622
Michelson Esma Eileen-18??
Michelson Joseph-1839
Midgley Mary-1801
Miller Gordon-1929
Millward Rebecca-18??
Mitchell Elizabeth-1793
Morley Sara Ann-c1831
Moore Beatrice-1890
Moore Sir Fred Denby-1863
Morgan Thomas-c1865
Morgan G. St Alban-c1910
Mouette Caroline-1824
Mouette Charles Edward-c1794
Mouette Charles-1818
Mouette Charles-1841
Mouette Charles William J.-1871
Mouette Dorothy-1910
Mouette Edith FLorence-1882
Mouette Edwin Robert-1828
Moeutte Eliza-1850
Mouette Eliza Alice-1827
Moeutte Harry Ernest-1913
Mouette Harry Ernest-1877
Mouette Ivy Lenor-1889
Mouette Jean Samuel-c1770
Mouette John Samuel-1845
Mouette Laura Louisa-1868
Mouette Lawrence G.-1879
Mouette Lily Maud-1887
Mouette Mary Frances-1816
Mouette Muriel Yvonne-1921
Mouette Norman Ernest-1908
Mouette Norman Harry de la-1939
Mouette Paul George-1937
Mouette Raymond Douglas-1924
Mouette William-1844
Mouette William Hatton-1821
Mouette William Hy-c1875
Mountfort Esther-1761
Mullins John-1955
Mumford Charles-c1866
Murphy Ada-c1884
Murphy Albert-c1884
Murphy Amy-c1888
Murphy Ann-1919
Murphy May-c1890
Murphy Michael-c1861
Nash Emily-1854
Nash Louisa-1855
Naylor Charlotte-c1851
Naylor John-1819
Naylor Thomas-c1859
Neville Lady Eleanor-c1438
Neal James-1843
Neal William-c1801
Newby/Anderton Kate E.-c1891
Newby/Anderton William J.-c1896
Newby Sarah E.-c1864
Nokes Alfred-1855
Nokes Alfred-1883
Nokes Charles-1858
Nokes Charles 1881
Nokes Benjamin-1853
Nokes Benjamin-18??
Nokes Emma-1864
Nokes Frank-1885
Nokes Harry-1847
Nokes James-1860
Nokes James-1879
Nokes Kate 1874
Nokes Mary Ann-1851
Nokes Thomas-1876
Nokes Samuel-1886
Nokes William-18??
Nokes William Thomas-1851
Norman Gwendoline-1911
Nunn George-1897
Nunn Frederick-1866
Nunn Iva-1901
Nuttall Abigail c1826
Nuttall Agnes-c1829
Nuttall David-c1816
Nuttall Ellen-c1831
Nuttall Elizabeth-c1811
Nuttall James-c1786
Nuttall Rebecca-1821
Nuttall William Tomlinson-c1826
O'Reagan Sharon-19??
Orchard Mark-1969
Orchard Samuel-1995
Ottley Emma-1823
Palin Doris-19??
Parish Francis Henry George-1888
Parker Elizabeth-c15??
Parkin Mary-1738
Parkinson Annie-c1878
Parkinson Arthur-c1893
Parkinson Charlotte-c1881
Parkinson Eva-c1893
Parkinson Ezra-c1855
Parkinson Frederick-c1847
Parkinson George-c1853
Parkinson Henry-c1802
Parkinson Herbert-c1896
Parkinson Joshua-c1875
Parkinson Samuel B.-c1850
Parkinson Walter-c1870
Parkinson William H.-c1848
Parnell Maria-1847
Parry Catherine-c1814
Parsons Mary c1836
Parsons Mary Ann-c1853
Parsons Reuben-c1830
Payne Annie-1911
Payne Eric-1918
Payne Joe-1884
Payne Maggie-19??
Payne Marjorie-1926
Payne Mavis L-1949
Pearce Albert G.-c1889
Pearce Arthur-c1881
Pearce Helen-c1891
Pearce Herbert G.-c1883
Pearce James-c1860
Pearce James-c1875
Pearce Lillian Ada-1910
Pearce Thomas-c1887
Pearce William-c1879
Pearson Annice-1856
Pearson Eliza-c1847
Pearson Elizabeth-1797
Pearson Elizabeth-c1867
Pearson Emla-c1852
Pearson George-1883
Pearson Harriet-1881
Pearson Henry-1791
Pearson Henry-1830
Pearson Henry-1876
Pearson John-1825
Pearson John Albert-c1888
Pearson John Henry-1857
Pearson John William-1883
Pearson Josiah-c1890
Pearson Mary J.-1858
Pearson Polly-1912
Pearson Thomas-1833
Pearson Thomas-1879
Pearson Samuel George-1862
Pearson William-1825
Pearson William-1829
Pearson William-1859
Pelling John-1873
Pennicard Harriet-c1788
Penny Maria-1801
Parsons Rebeeca-1807
Perch Elizabeth-c1801
Perry Emily-1875
Perry Henry-1871
Perry Salina-1844
Peto Rebecca-1798
Peto William-1739
Peto William-1764
Philips Florence May-1880
Phillips Charles-c1857
Phillips Florence May-1880
Pinson Mary Ann-1846
Pitch Alice Jeanette-1861
Pitch Elizabeth-1904
Pitch Emma-1885
Pitch Frederick-1919
Pitch George-1908
Pitch Harold-1911
Pitch Harriet Annie-1895
Pitch Henry-1877
Pitch Henry-1896
Pitch James-1872
Pitch James-1906
Pitch John-1880
Pitch John 1896
Pitch John Henry-1841
Pitch John Henry-1864
Pitch Martha-1915
Pitch Mary Ann-c1839
Pitch Mary Ann-1868
Pitch Mary Dorothy-1910
Pitch (Pilch) Nicholas-1810
Pitch Samuel-1865
Pitch Samuel-1902
Pitch Sarah Jane-1875
Pitch Sarah Jane-1896
Pitch William-1908
Plested Edward-19??
Porter Marguerite-1919
Porter Rosetta Mary-c1887
Porter Zillah-1832
Pottington Mary-c1788
Povey Mary Ann-1848
Powels Pamela Gwendolin-1945
Prestwick Catherine-c1463
Priestley Evelyn B.-1878
Priestley James-1852
Priestley Florence-1879
Pritchard Cynthia-1933
Pritchard George-1910
Proctor Anne-1768
Proctor Maggie-1892
Punter Catherine Francis-1835
Pyrah Elizabeth-c1793
Pyrah Issac-c1831
Rainbird Sheila-19??
Raistrick Ameilia-1867
Raistrick Eva-1871
Raistrick Joseph-c1836
Randall Emily-1833
Reddick William-1807
Redick Ada-1872
Redick Alexander-1833
Redick Constance Violet-1899
Redick Emily-1869
Redick Fred-1904
Redick Hannah-1838
Redick Hiram-1839
Redick James-1835
Redick James-1847
Redick Kay (Dorothy)-1956
Redick Sarah-1842
Redick Thomas-1836
Redick William-1841
Redick William-1874
Reddish Ann-C1494
Richard of York 1452 King of England
Riddle Alfred-c1885
Riddle Arthur-c1891
Riddle Benjamin-1900
Riddle Emily Rose-c1889
Riddle Elizabeth-c1886
Riddle Joseph Linnard-1853
Riddle Philip Leonard-c1887
Riddle May-c1887
Riddle Norah Ellen-c1894
Riddle Reginald John-1895
Riddle Richard-c1882
Riddle Theodora Mercy-c1889
Riddle Walter Harold-c1892
Riley Alfred-c1852
Riley Ambrose-c1858
Riley Benjamin-c1868
Riley Henrietta-c1860
Riley James-c1861
Riley Mary-c1831
Riley Grace-c1864
Riley Thomas B.-c1866
Ring Edwin-c1870
Roberts Charlotte-1872
Roberts Edward-1844
Roberts Hannah-1848
Roberts Mary Elizabeth-1869
Roberts Ruth Ann Swaine-1870
Robertson Andrew Harrughty-1917
Robinson Elizabeth-1676
Robinson Ivy M.-1910
Robinson Phema-c1860
Robinson William-c1837
Robottom John-1630
Robotham Joseph W.-1926
Robotham June-1935
Robotham Patricia-1941
Robotham Raymond-1925
Robotham Sylvia-1929
Robotham Wilfred Dennis-1902
Robson Andy-19??
Robson George-2000
Robson Frankie-2003
Roden Alice E-1920
Roden Alfred F.-1857
Roden Arthur-1864
Roden Arthur-1890
Roden Arthur-1924
Roden Arthur Henry-1909
Roden Benjamin-c1798
Roden Benjamin-1836
Roden Brian-19??
Roden Christine-1952
Roden Clare-1882
Roden Edward-1852
Roden Emma-1855
Roden John-c1827
Roden John-1852
Roden John-1884
Roden Laura Florence-1911
Roden Magaret-1944
Roden Martha-c1884
Roden Mary-1951
Roden Maureen-1947
Roden Phoebe Ann-1880
Roden Sarah Ann-1840
Roden Sarah Jane-1888
Roden Selina-1867
Roden William-1914
Ruffle Sarah-c1807
Russell Emily-1878
Rowse Elizabeth-c1480
Russell Emily-1878
Russell James-1807
Russell Miriam-1853
Russell William-1803
Ryles Elizabeth-1712
Sackriss Ann-1870
Sackriss Elson-c1845
Sale Albini of-c1150
Sale Alexander of-c1200
Sainter Blanche Eliza-1893
Saunders Ann-1788
Scholes Elizabeth-c1740
Schoon Adelaide Louisa-1853
Schoon Albert Edward-1856
Schoon Ann-1768
Schoon Ann-1799
Schoon Ann-1823
Schoon Betty-1930
Schoon Charlotte-1816
Schoon Caroline Matilda-1846
Schoon Eliza Emma-1858
Schoon Elizabeth-1825
Schoon Everalda-1821
Schoon Fanny Rose-1860
Schoon Fenton-1813
Schoon Fenton Hattersley-1842
Schoon Fred-1871
Schoon George-1836
Schoon George-1765
Schoon Isabella Maria-1850
Schoon Jane-1827
Schoon Jane Elizabeth-1837
Schoon Jebez Van Heber-1804
Schoon John Longdon-1840
Schoon Joseph Travis-1838
Schoon Maria Longdon-1832
Schoon Mary-1816
Schoon Mary Jane-1854
Schoon Richard-1787
Schoon Richard Hattersley-1830
Schoon Richard Hattersley-1844
Schoon Sarah Alice-1880
Schoon Sarah Ann-1879
Schoon Sarah Anne-1854
Schoon Sam-1900
Schoon Sarah Alice-1880
Schoon Simeon-1800
Schoon Walter Van Heber-1844
Scoon Ann-1738
Scoon George-1742
Scoon Richard-1703
Scoon Richard-1740
Scully Maria-c1829
Searle Mary Ann-c1791
Shaw Maria-c1828
Shirley Albert-c1862
Shirley Albert Francis-1931
Shirley Alfred-1862
Shirley Ann-c1859
Shirley Ada-c1900
Shirley Arthur-c1880
Shirley Christopher-1967
Shirley Eleanor-2002
Shirley Eliza-c1835
Shirley Fred-c1870
Shirley Harriet-c1850
Shirley Henry-1833
Shirley Henry-c1872
Shirley Herbert-1867
Shirley Jack-1955
Shirley Jane-c1827
Shirley Joanne-1970
Shirely John-1864
Shirley Joseph-1837
Shirley Maria-1856
Shirley Mary Ann-c1858
Shirley May-2007
Shirley Milenda Elizabeth-c1879
Shirley Ralph-1928
Shirley Raymond-1937
Shirley Richard-c1840
Shirley Robert-c1796
Shirley Robert-c1852
Shirley Roland-1869
Shirley Sidney-c1882
Shirley Sidney James-1897
Shirley Sidney James-1922
Shirley Thomas-c1854
Shirley Walter-c1859
Shirley Walter-c1896
Shirley William-1829
Shirley William Henry-1854
Simmons Doris A-1918
Simmonds Abraham Henry-1875
Simmonds Albert-1881
Simmonds Albert 1908
Simmonds Albert Edward-1904
Simmonds Albert E. H.-1929
Simmonds Alice Rosanna-1867
Simmonds Alice-1878
Simmonds Alice Hannah-1910
Simmonds Andrea Fay-1965
Simmonds Andrew George-1959
Simmonds Annie-1862
Simmonds Arthur-1899
Simmonds Arthur Thomas-1929
Simmonds Barrie-1934
Simmonds Barrie Henry-1946
Simmonds Betty-1948
Simmonds Brian-1942
Simmonds Charles-1854
Simmonds Charles-1884
Simmonds Charles-1883
Simmonds Charles Cuthbert Albert-1932
Simmonds Charlie (Charles)-1897
Simmonds Charlie-1903
Simmonds Charlie-1904
Simmonds Charlie-2005
Simmonds Charlotte-1820
Simmonds Charlotte-1849
Simmonds Charlotte Annie-1891
Simmonds Clara-1914
Simmonds Caroline Emily-1867
Simmonds Daphne R.-1934
Simmonds Derek-1934
Simmonds Donald George-1932
Simmonds Doreen-1936
Simmonds Dorothy-1937
Simmonds Douglas-1918
Simmonds Douglas John-1945
Simmonds Edith Emily-1895
Simmonds Edward-1861
Simmonds Elizabeth-1834
Simmonds Elizabeth Amy-1880
Simmonds Elizabeth Rose-1885
Simmonds Ellen-1866
Simmonds Emilia Rose-2016
Simmonds Emma-1868
Simmonds Emma-1889
Simmonds Emma-1901
Simmonds Emma Jane-1856
Simmonds Emma Lucy-1999
Simmonds Esther-1822
Simmonds Ethel-1905
Simmonds Ethel-1906
Simmonds Finley-2007
Simmonds Frederick-1865
Simmonds Frederick Thomas-1920
Simmonds Gary-1968
Simmonds George-1860
Simmonds George-1827
Simmonds George Frederick-1882
Simmonds George Henry-1879
Simmonds Hannah-1809
Simmonds Harriet-c1902
Simmonds Harry-1887
Simmonds Henry-1825
Simmonds Henry-1851
Simmonds (Neal) Henry-1854
Simmonds Henry-1878
Simmonds Henry-1916
Simmonds Henry-1937
Simmonds Henry George-1893
Simmonds Henry George-1927
Simmonds Hetty-1874
Simmonds Hilda-c1901
Simmonds Irene-1922
Simmonds Jack-2003
Simmonds James-1767
Simmonds James-1784
Simmonds James-1836
Simmonds James-1898
Simmonds Jane-1789
Simmonds Jayson-1971
Simmonds Jean Edith-1955
Simmonds Jeanne-1933
Simmonds Joan Edith Grace-1926
Simmonds Joe-1884
Simmonds John-1847
Simmonds John-1874
Simmonds John-1963
Simmonds John Edward Henry-1880
Simmonds Josh-2004
Simmonds Joyce-1930
Simmonds Joyce Evelyn-1921
Simmonds Karen-1969
Simmonds Kathleen-1924
Simmonds Keith-1975
Simmonds Lillian Maud-1881
Simmonds Mary-1811
Simmonds Marry Ann-1888
Simmonds Mary Hannah-1889
Simmonds Mary Jane (Ann)-1871
Simmonds Michael James-1988
Simmonds Minnie-1901
Simmonds Nicola-1986
Simmonds Nathan David-1995
Simmonds Patrick Alan-1997
Simmonds Philip-1993
Simmonds Richard Neil-1966
Simmonds Rosa-1864
Simmonds Ruth Ellen-1870
Simmonds Sarah-1858
Simmonds Sarah-1886
Simmonds Sarah Ann-1879
Simmonds Stephen-1973
Simmonds Thomas-1759
Simmonds Thomas-1785
Simmonds Thomas-1816
Simmonds Thomas-1851
Simmonds (Neal) Thomas-1891
Simmonds Thomas-1907
Simmonds Thomas Edward-1881
Simmonds Thomas Edward John-1986
Simmonds Victoria-1990
Simmonds Vivienne-1980
Simmonds William-1735
Simmonds William-1876
Simmonds William Evershed-1834
Simmonds William Frederick-1890
Simmonds William Henry-1902
Simpson Arthur-1938
Simpson Grace-1882
Simpson Loraine Angela
Simpson John Peter-1965
Simpson Paul Andrew-1963
Skinner Louisa-c1848
Small Jessie Ann D.-1894
Smith Ada-1877
Smith Agnes Maud-18??
Smith Albert-1880
Smith Alice-c1794
Smith Alice-c1879
Smith Ann-1793
Smith Ann E.-1870
Smith Ann Elizabeth-1869
Smith George-c1872
Smith George-19??
Smith Harry-c1876
Smith Henry-1871
Smith Isabella-1835
Smith James-c1833
Smith James-c1900
Smith Josiah-1866
Smith Leslie-c1910
Smith Lucy-1819
Smith Maria-c1874
Smith Maria Jane-1873
Smith Mary-c1879
Smith Mary Ann-1875
Smith Samuel-c1868
Smith Samuel Henry-1871
Smith Sheila-1943
Smith Thomas-18??
Smith William-c1839
Smith William Henry-1864
Smyth Wood Brian-19??
Smyth Wood Patrick-19??
Snowden Mary-1803
Soully Maria-c1829
Stanton Sarah Jane-18??
Spencer Alice-c1559
Spencer Alice-c1761
Spence Ann-1703
Spence George-1561
Spence John-1674
Spens Alexander-1430
Spens David-1538
Spittles Alfred-1853
Spittles Charles-1860
Spittles Henry-1820
Spittles Henry-1845
Spittles James-1860
Spittles Mary-1847
Spittles Sophia-1849
Spittles William-1850
Stacey Albert-c1845
Stacey Alfred-1827
Stacey Caroline-c1820
Stacey Edith-1870
Stacey Ellen-c1863
Stacey Elijah-c1836
Stacey Emily-c1879
Stacey Emma-c1845
Stacey Frances-c1848
Stacey Francis-c1840
Stacey Frederick-c1838
Stacey George-c1819
Stacey George-c1826
Stacey Henry-1810
Stacey Jesse-c1832
Stacey Margaret-c1873
Stacey Martha-c1865
Stacey Noah-c1834
Stacey Robert-1771
Stacey Robert-1802
Stacey Sarah-1804
Stacey Sarah Ann-c1860
Stacey William-1805
Stacey Winifred-c1883
Stanley Adam-c1125
Stanley Sir Adam-c1287
Stanley Alice-c1412
Stanley Alice-c1473
Stanley Agnes-c1475
Stanley Anne-c1420
Stanley Ann-c1480
Stanley Ann-c1504
Stanley Anne-c1542
Stanley Anne-c1472
Stanley Anthony-c1499
Stanley Benedict-c1255
Stanley Catherine-c1467
Stanley Catherine-c1497
Stanley Charles 8th Earl of Derby-c1628
Stanley Dorothy-c15??
Stanley Edward-c1410
Stanley Edward-c1461
Stanley Edward 3rd Earl of Derby-c1509
Stanley Edward-c1541
Stanley Eleanor-c1489
Stanley Elizabeth-c1423
Stanley Eizabeth-c1489
Stanley Elizabeth-c1502
Stanley Elizabeth-c1513
Stanley Elizabeth-c1536
Stanley Ellen-c1355
Stanley Ferdinando 5th Earl of Derby-c1559
Stanley Frances-c1507
Stanley George-c1389
Stanley George-c1460
Stanley George Lord Strange-c1460
Stanley Lord George-c1440
Stanley George-c1495
Stanley George-c1505
Stanley Sir George-c1435
Stanley Hellen-c1496
Stanley or Stonley Henry-c1025
Stanley Henry-c1388
Stanley Henry 4th Earl of Derby-c1531
Stanley Isabel-c1412
Stanley Isabel-c15??
Stanley James-c1418
Stanley James-c1441
Stanley James-c1465
Stanley Sir James-c1487
Stanley Sir James-c1406
Stanley James 7th Earl of Derby-c1607
Stanley Jane-c1455
Stanley Jane-c1483
Stanley Jane-c1534
Stanley Joan-c1427
Stanley John-c1165
Stanley John-c1165
Stanley John-c1200
Stanley John-c1292
Stanley John Lord West Bromwich-c1470
Stanley Sir John-c1350
Stanley Sir John-c1386
Stanley Sir John-c1423
Stanley Sir John-c1426
Stanley John-c1486
Stanley John-c1503
Stanley Katherine-c1430
Stanley Katherine-c1489
Stanley Leonard-c1505
Stanley Margaret-c1394
Stanley Margaret-c1467
Stanley Margaret-c1473
Stanley Margaret-c1465
Stanley Margaret-c1505
Stanley Margaret-c15??
Stanley Margery-c1266
Stanley Maria-c1538
Stanley Marion-c1507
Stanley Mary-c1501
Stanley Mary-c15??
Stanley Matilda-c1389
Stanley Nicholas-c1443
Stanley Rafe-c1435
Stanley Ralph-c1393
Stanley Richard-c1408
Stanley Richard-c1464
Stanley Robert-c1370
Stanley Sarah-c1285
Stanley Thomas-c1266
Stanley Thomas-c1392
Stanley Thomas-c1462
Stanley Thomas 1st BaronStanley-c1406
Stanley Thomas 1st Earl of Derby-c1435
Stanley Thomas 2nd Earl of Derby-c1484
Stanley Thomas-14??
Stanley Sir Thomas-c1533
Stanley Simon-c1511
Stanley Sir Walter-c1215
Stanley William (Adam)-c1124
Stanley William-c1160
Stanley Sir William-c1170
Stanley Sir Wiliam-c1215
Stanley Sir William-c1250
Stanley Sir William-c1311
Stanley Sir William-c1360
Stanley William-c1414
Stanley Sir William-c1437
Stanley William-c1462
Stanley William 6th Earl of Derby-c1561
Stead Mary-1831
Stephenson Ada-c1888
Stephenson Alice-c1908
Stephenson Arthur-c1873
Stephenson Emma-c1840
Stephenson Ernest-c1902
Stephenson Frank-c1909
Stephenson George c1837
Stephenson Harriet-c1875
Stephenson Hartley-c1905
Stephenson Josiah-c1877
Stephenson Mary-c1908
Stephenson Robert-c1816
Stephenson Robert-c1868
Stephenson Sophia-c1865
Stephenson Tom-c1885
Stephenson Unice-c1841
Stephenson William-c1871
Stevens William-c1845
Stratton Kitty-18??
Strirrup Ellen-1872
Strudwick Caroline-1824
Sugden Dame Edith May-1869
Sugden John-1844
Sutcliffe Agnes-1840
Summerfield Charlotte-1840
Summerfield Thomas-1806
Surman Barbara-19??
Surman Frank-19??
Sutton Eleanor-c1439
Swaine John-18??
Swaine Mary Elizabeth-1868
Swann Ada-1878
Swann Albert-1883
Swann Alice-1880
Swann Clara-1886
Swann Dorothy Grace-1903
Swann Ethel May-1897
Swann Frank-1889
Swann Frederick-1900
Swann George Henry-1879
Swann James Earnest-1901
Swann John Edward-1859
Swan John Edward-1895
Swann Lucy-1882
Swann Minnie-1892
Swann Wilmot-1888
Swansborough Sarah Ann-1839
Talbot Sir John-c15??
Tandy Elizabeth-1845
Tarry Emma-c1927
Tasburgh (Anne) Michael-1777
Tasburgh (Crathorne) George-1761
Tate Alexander Nicholas John-1972
Tate Alice Ann-1856
Tate Arthur-1883
Tate Clara Alice-1907
Tate Doris Hilda-1908
Tate Edith-1889
Tate Edward Arthur Bamford-2005
Tate Elizabeth Dorothy-1936
Tate Elsie-1886
Tate Hannah Amelia-1906
Tate Hilda Louisa-1893
Tate Honor Miranda Daisy Bamford-2010
Tate James Jonathan Anderson-1970
Tate Jonathan Charles Hyatt-1938
Tate John-1827
Tate John-1912
Tate John Edward-1858
Tate John Harold-1893
Tate John Thomas-1904
Tate Joseph-1910
Tate Joseph Earnest-c1881
Tate Sara Virginia-1942
Tate William Horatio Templeton-2010
Taylor Albert-1877
Taylor Alfred-1873
Taylor Alfred J.-c1887
Taylor Alice A.-c1880
Taylor Annie-c1878
Taylor Ansley-1864
Taylor Charles-c1873
Taylor Edith Florence-1877
Taylor Eliza E.-c1874
Taylor Emily-c1876
Taylor Ethel-c1892
Taylor Frank-1868
Taylor Frederick-c1882
Taylor Frederick-1866
Taylor George-1830
Taylor George-c1850
Taylor Harriett Ellen-1873
Taylor Leonard-c1895
Taylor Minnie-c1890
Taylor Nellie-c1888
Taylor Rose-c1885
Taylor William George-c1871
Templeton Kathryn Berisford-1974
Thomas Evaline Laura-1885
Thomas Matthew Harry-1997
Thomas Paul-1965
Thomas Sam Richard-1995
Tibbitts David John-1994
Tibbitts Keith Graham-1949
Tibbitts Matthew Ian-1989
Tinsley John-c1817
Tinsley Ruth-c1851
Todd Abraham-1820
Todd Charlotte-1818
Todd James-1856
Todd Jebez-1860
Todd Ruth-1825
Todd Solomom-1830
Todd Thomas-17??
Tollervey Horatio Nelson-c1809
Tollervey Levinia-c1845
Thompson Harold-1934
Thompson Phylis May
Thompson Tracey-1961
Thompson Wendy-1964
Thornton Harry-c1832
Thornton John-c1834
Tombs Lionel Robert-1898
Town Birch-1928
Town David-1951
Town Karen-1976
Town Ian-1953
Town Nicola-1974
Town Philip-1979
Town Sarah-1984
Town-Jones Jonathan-1972
Town-Jones Julian-1961
Town-Jones Michael-1958
Town-Jones Neil-1976
Town-Jones Ruth-1962
Travis Sarah-c1817
Trevet Sarah-1770
Troak Florence-1889
Tubbs Albert-c1878
Tubbs Daniel-c1835
Tubbs Eliza-c1862
Tubbs Emma-c1868
Tubbs Fanny-c1857
Tubbs Frederick-c1875
Tubbs James-c1824
Tubbs James-c1860
Tubbs Louisa-c1871
Tubbs Maud-c1880
Tubbs Sarah-c1854
Turfitt Thomas Suter-1881
Turner Charles-1839
Turner Charlotte-1837
Turner Daniel-1833
Turner Elizabeth-1814
Turner Edward-1826
Turner Emma-c1842
Turner Harriet-1829
Turner James-1787
Turner James Thomas-1825
Turner Jane-1831
Turner Joseph-c1822
Turner Margaret-c1850
Turner Mary-1825
Turner Sarah-1844
Turner William-1842
Tustin Amy Joyce-1994
Tustin James Arthur-1996
Tustin Robert Austin-19??
Tyler Rebecca-17??
Vickery Adam -1817
Vickery Elizabeth-c1849
Vickery Emily-1886
Vickary Emma-c1860
Vickery Henry-1866
Vickery Henry William B.-c1859
Vickery James-c1822
Vickery James c1847
Vickery John-c1850
Vickery Mary Ann-1844
Vickery Richard-c1788
Vickery Sarah-1857
Vickery Solomon-1818
Vickery Solomon William James-1881
Vickery William-c1853
Vickery William-1882
Waddington Hartley-1829
Wadsworth Elizabeth-c1870
Wadsworth Emily Florence-1898
Wadsworth Roy Verdun Kitchener-1916
Walker Phebe-1805
Waller Alice Jane-1865
Waller Alice-1892
Waller Annie-1901
Waller Charles-1889
Waller Fred-1887
Waller Frederick Edward-1916
Waller George-1862
Waller James-1871
Waller Jesse-1898
Waller John-1824
Waller Mabel-1895
Waller Mary Ann-1863
Waller May-1895
Waller Minnie-1893
Waller Thomas-1868
Waller Winifred-1911
Walpole Susannah Maria-c1860
Ward Dorothy-19??
Wardle Simon-1959
Wardle Christopher-1990
Wardle Toby-1992
Warren Catherine-1998
Warren Edward-19??
Warren Christine-19??
Warren David-19??
Warren Diana-19??
Warren Doris-19??
Warren Geoffrey-19??
Warren Patricia-19??
Waters William A.-1909
Watson Joseph-1902
Watson Edward 2nd Baron Rockingham-1630
Watson Lewis 1st Baron Rockingham-1584
Watson Lewis 1st Earl Rockingham-1655
Watson Mary-1795
Watson-Wentworth Charles 2nd Marquess Rockingham
Watson-Wentworth Thomas 1st Marquess Rockingham
Watts Beatrice-1902
Watts Edith Evelyn-1905
Watts Richard-1881
Watts Wilmot Reginald-1910
Weatherhead Helen-1964
Webster Victor-1915
Weller George Arthur James-1911
West Ann-1690
Westbrook Fred-c1866
White Charles-18??
Whitaker Ada-c1887
Whiting Edward-c1828
Whiting Charles-1860
Whiting Richard-1863
Whitley Sarah-1794
Whittaker George-19??
Williams Jessica Sara-1972
Williams John Richard-1930
Willis Catherine-c1839
Wills Ada-1910
Wills Alexander-1907
Wills Charles Henry-1848
Wills Charles Henry-1874
Wills Mary-1908
Wills Rose-c1913
Wilkinson Anna-16??
Wilkinson Annie Gwendoline-1906
Wilkinson Johannis-1590
Wilson Kathleen E.-1916
Wilson Ruth-1953
Winborn Earnest-1818
Winborn William L.-1879
Wolfe Albert-c1898
Wolfe Archie-c1896
Wolfe Elsie-c1893
Wolfe Leonard-c1890
Wolfe William-c1867
Wolfe William-c1890
Wolseley Anthony (John)-c1510
Wolseley Ellen-c1514
Wolseley Sir John-c14??
Wolseley Ralph-c1511
Wood Florence Eleanor-18??
Woods Charles-1829
Woods Edward-1838
Woods Eliza-1839
Woods Emma-1825
Woods Fanny-c1873
Woods George-1844
Woods Harriet-1842
Woods Harriett-c1869
Woods Henry-1837
Woods James-1770
Woods James -1792
Woods Jane-c1835
Woods Jane c1865
Woods John-1833
Woods Maria-1832
Woods Mary A.-c1867
Woods Maurice (Morris)-1807
Woods Maurice (Morris)-1832
Woods Philadephia-1840
Woods Rebecca-c1862
Woods Sarah-1837
Woods Thomas-1835
Woods William-1830
Woodyer Eliza-c1822
Wright Ann-1801
Wright Betsy-1875
Yates Christina Lilian-1910
Yates Daisy Mary-1909
Yates Dinah-1917
Yates George James-1883
Yates Ivy May-1913
Yates James Arthur-1854
Young Edith-c1877
Young George-c1850